
git fetch 이후 merge 하기

jinmc 2023. 12. 15. 14:14

보통 git pull할 때 가장 두려운 상황은 conflict나는 상황일 것입니다. 물론 clean하게 유지한다는 가정하에 git pull이 실패할 리는 없겠지만, 그래도 conflict를 피할 수 없는 상황은 무조건 나오기 마련입니다. 그걸 막기 위해서 생겨난 커맨드는 git fetch 입니다.


ChatGPT에서 말해주는 fetch 이후 merge 방법입니다.


Q) what should I do after git fetch to merge?

1. Check Out the Branch You Want to Update: Make sure you're on the branch that you want to update with changes from the remote. Use git checkout <branch-name> to switch to the branch you want to merge the changes into.

2. Merge the Fetched Changes: Use the git merge command to merge the changes from the remote branch into your current branch. The command is typically in the form of git merge <remote>/<branch>, where <remote> is the name of the remote repository (often origin) and <branch> is the name of the branch with the changes you fetched. For example, if you fetched changes from the master branch of the origin remote, you would use git merge origin/master.

3. Resolve Any Merge Conflicts: If there are any conflicts between your local changes and the changes fetched from the remote, Git will notify you, and you'll need to manually resolve these conflicts. After resolving conflicts, you will need to add and commit these changes.

4. Push the Merged Changes (if necessary): If you are working on a shared branch, you may need to push the merged changes back to the remote repository using git push.

checkout 이후 git merge를 하라고 나오는데, 이러면 사실 pull을 하는거랑 차이가 별로 없습니다. git merge하기 전에 어떤 점이 다른지 알고 싶습니다. 그럴 경우에는 어떻게 해야될까요??


  1. Fetch the Latest Changes from the Remote Repository: First, ensure you have the latest information from the remote repository. Use git fetch to update your local references. This won't merge any changes; it just updates your remote-tracking branches.
    git fetch
  2. Check Out the Local Branch You Want to Merge Into: Make sure you're on the branch that you want to merge the remote changes into.
    git checkout your-branch
  3. Perform a Dry Run of the Merge: You can perform a dry run of the merge using git merge with the --no-commit --no-ff options. This will execute the merge but won't actually commit the changes, allowing you to see if there are any conflicts.Replace remote/branch-to-merge with the name of the remote branch you want to merge, for example, origin/feature-branch.
    git merge --no-commit --no-ff remote/branch-to-merge
  4. Check for Conflicts: If there are merge conflicts, Git will pause the merge and mark the files that have conflicts. You can then inspect these files to see the conflicts.
  5. Abort the Merge if Necessary: If you decide not to proceed with the merge or want to address the conflicts later, you can abort the merge process.
    git merge --abort
  6. Address Merge Conflicts (if applicable): If you want to proceed and resolve the conflicts, do so by editing the conflicted files, and then add and commit them.

Remember, this process only checks if the merge is possible and if there are conflicts. It doesn't perform the actual merge. After resolving any conflicts and ensuring everything is as expected, you can run the merge command again without the --no-commit --no-ff flags to complete the merge.

위에서 나온 대로, git merge --no-commit --no-ff remote/branch 를 하면 된다고 합니다.


만약 merge conflict가 뜬다고 하면 merge conflict를 해결하고, git merge --abort 이후에


다시 git merge remote/branch 를 하면 되겠네요!
